481 research outputs found

    Economic benefits of pumped storage units in probabilistic production costing

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    Imperial Users onl


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    Kebenaran selalu menjadi obyek nilai yang paling tinggi dalam setiap cabang ilmu pengetahuan, tidak terkecuali dalam ilmu fiqh. Sebagai sebuah pengetahuan tentang hokum Islam, fiqh tidak dapat dilepaskan dengan nilai kebenaran yang dicapai, terlebih persoalan fiqh bukan sekadar dialektika ilmu semata, tetapi ketentuan fiqh yang dihasilkan akan menjadi dasar pelaksanaan amaliah bagi seorang muslim. Sebagai sebuah ilmu, tentu fiqh memiliki sifat terbuka bagi siapa saja yang berusaha untuk mengkaji maupun menghasilkan ketentuan fiqh yang baru dengan tetap berpedoman pada al-Qur’an dan al-Sunnah. Akan tetapi pada sisi yang lain, memunculkan persoalan atas nilai kebenaran yang dihasilkan apakah bersifat mutlak atau relative? Pemahaman terhadap kebenaran dalam ilmu fiqh menjadi penting karena berdampak pada sikap yang membentuk kepribadian seorang muslim terutama dalam pelaksananaan hokum Islam di tengah masyarakat. Fanatisme madhab merupakan salah satu di antara dampak (negative) pemahaman yang menganggap bahwa kebenaran dalam ilmu fiqh bersifat mutlak sehingga membuat seseorang menjadi tidak toleran dengan orang lain yang berbeda madhab

    Sejarah Sosial Hukuman Peminum Khamr

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    Penalty for a drinker can not be separated from the development and changes in society. As one of the many provisions of a criminal penalty, drinker should remain be punished. However, in practice, there are differences in accordance with the implementation of penalty for a drinker. It is about the amount and limit of the punishment given to a drinker. This is because al-Qur'an does not explicitely mention the legal sanctions for a drinker. In contrast to the punitive sanction for the variant of violations of a criminal penalty, such as fornication, adultery, and theft of the mentioned amount and limit of their sentence. The differences in the application of a criminal penalty for drinkers at the Prophet’s time time and after indicate that although the substantive criminal penalty should remain in force, but in the application might be heavier or at least equal as the former penalty. Those facts indicate that Islamic law is related to the changes and development of society. Thus, there is an interplay circumstance between Islamic law and the developments and changes in society, or in otherwise


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    Objective: To estimate the lipid profile and glucose level in pregnancy-induced hypertensive versus normal pregnant women in the local population. Design: Cross Sectional case control study. Place & Duration of Study: All biochemical samples were analyzed in the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB), UOL from March to December 2012 and Gynecology department of Jinnah hospital Lahore. Methods: A total of 60 individuals who consented was divided into case and control groups. The cases included 30 hypertensive pregnant women and controls included 30 normal pregnant women .Blood samples were collected from Gynecology department Jinnah hospital Lahore. Detailed physical examinations were performed. Blood pressure, age, and weight were recorded. Results: The glucose level was found to be slightly high in hypertensive pregnant women but no significant change was observed in hypertensive (Mean+/-SD: 95.93±14.268 vs. 87.86±17.83). The total cholesterol was found to be significantly higher in hypertensive pregnant women as compared to normal pregnant women (274.16±37.55 vs. 171.00±30.776). The TG level significant high in hypertensive then normal group (175.06±32.20 vs. 114.86±20.58) and HDL level low in the hypertensive group (49.4±8.15 vs. 55.42±7.98). The LDL level (171.66±29.98 vs 105.60±19.66) and VLDL level (34.90±6.47 vs. 22.83±4.06). Conclusions: The women with very high BP had higher Cholesterol, TG, LDL, and VDL as compared to pregnant women. In normal pregnant women, the level of cholesterol, TG, HDL, LDL, and VLDL are normal or slightly raised. For the glucose level, it is considered a non-significant risk factor for hypertension. Keywords: Pre-Eclampsia, PIH, Lipid profile, Hypertension Pregnancy.&nbsp

    Analisis Hukum Pidana Islam terhadap Orang yang Membantu Aborsi

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    Abortion as a crime has a long story and many people do not realize that abortion is related to the public wellbeing issue. Within the Islamic's perspective, fetus removal is prohibited because it kills the fetus (human candidate) which is glorified by Allah SWT. Ironically, abortion is supported by some groups. The impact is that there are an estimated 2,000,000 cases of abortion that occur each year in Indonesia. This paper concludes that the punishment received by the perpetrators who are indirect actors comes below the term of ta'zir offense. Where the form, the amount, and the way of its sentence being carried out are under the judge's discretion. It is demanded that the authorities should be bolder and more resolute in punishing offenders so that the harsher the punishment is given, the more likely it would deter. The public is demanded to be cautious against any persuasion efforts, incitement, and other forms of influencing that made them a party in a crime


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    Objective: The rich plant diversity of mountains has been used by the indigenous people for thousands of years as health-care remedies. A study on the important plant communities of scrub ecosystems of Dachigam National Park was carried out with the special aim of enlisting the ethnobotanical, and ethnoveterinary uses of plants being used by the people of the area. Methods: Data were collected by visual appraisal approach, rapid rural approach, and questionnaire methods coupled with group meetings and field discussions. Results: Data collected from the present investigation indicate that 59 plants belonging to 33 families with Rosaceae, the dominant family, were exclusively used for ethnobotanical purposes and 10 plant species belonging to 8 families were having ethnoveterinary use. These species include 14 medicinal species, 10 vegetable species, 10 with edible species, 6 fodder species, 6 species used as tea substitutes, 3 species for menstrual problems, 3 species used for religious ceremonies, 2 species used for chutney, 2 art and craft species, and 1 species used for ornamental, fuelwood, and agricultural tools each. Conclusion: The people of the area are exclusively dependent on medicinal plants using traditional knowledge that provides them with the best therapeutic and economic benefits. Such traditional knowledge could be valuable for developing local and regional conservation strategies for these fragile ecosystems. There is an urgent need to thoroughly analyze the secondary metabolite properties of such plants to validate their authenticity in the local health-care systems

    Bioactivity Test of Annona muricata, Chromolaena odorata, and Tinospora cordifolia extracts against Spodoptera frugiperda

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    The most strategy to control Spodoptera frugiperda in Indonesia is using synthetic pesticides. Synthetic pesticides for pests control are causing many negative effects. The use of biopesticide can be an environmentally friendly solution to control S. frugiperda. In line with the Vision and Mission of Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya to develop local wisdom, it is necessary to study the potential of some local plants as vegetable pesticides against S. frugiperda. Result of field observations obtained three plants suspected of having potential as vegetable pesticide, including: Annona muricata, Chromolaena odorata, and Tinospora cordifolia. This study aims to test the bioactivity of the three plant extracts against larval mortality, antifeedants, and development inhibition of S. frugiperdalarvae. The test was carried out with the residue method on the feed withno-choice test. Each plant extract was tested with a concentration of 1%, 2%, 3%, and one control treatment. Each treatment used 10 larvae of S. frugiperdasecond instar and repeated three times. The best control potential was shown by A. muricata 3% extract. Extract A. Muricata 3% can control S. frugiperda with a larval mortality value of 83.33 ± 5.77%, antifeedant activity by 91.11%, and inhibits larval development up to 3.84 days

    Potensi Budidaya Tanaman Hias di Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Mawar Bodas

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    Budidaya tanaman hias merupakan sektor yang cukup banyak dan sedang sangat diminati dalam bidang pertanian. Kelurahan Kahuripan Kecamatan Tawang memiliki kelompok wanita tani (kwt) yang bernama KWT Mawar Bodas, dan berkonsetrasi dalam bidang budidaya sayuran dan produk olahannya seperti keripik bayam dan keripik bawang. Kelompok wanita tani mawar bodas ini memiliki potensi untuk maju dalam bidang budidaya pertanian, namun keterbatasan pengetahuan budidaya terutama budidaya tanaman hias menjadi kendala dalam kemajuan budidaya tanaman hias dan produksinya, sehingga perlu diberikan sedikit arahan dari perguruan tinggi untuk dapat mengabdikan ilmunya kepada masyarakat, melalui penerapan teknologi tepat guna. Tujuan khusus dari pengabdian ini adalah menerapkan teknologi perbanyakan tanaman dan olahan tanaman hias. Tahapan awal sebelum perbanyakan tanaman hias adalah pengenalan berbagai macam tanaman hias seperti tanaman hias daun, bunga, batang hingga tanaman hias fungsional. Perbanyakan tanaman hias yang dilakukan menggunakan teknik perbanyakan stek daun dan stek batang dengan menggunakan tambahan zat pengatur tumbuh. Selain itu juga dalam pengolahan tanaman hias yaitu menggunakan tanaman telang, mint dan sereh yang dimanfaatkan sebagai minuman herbal. Hasil kuisioner yang diberikan kepada anggota KWT mengenai pengetahuan, dan ketertarikan tanaman hias, menunjukkan peningkatan sebesar 10%. Teknik perbanyakan yang dilakukan pada saat pendampingan 60% memberikan respon mudah, 20% sangat mudah dan 20% menyatakan cukup mudah

    Potensi Budidaya Tanaman Hias di Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Mawar Bodas

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    Budidaya tanaman hias merupakan sektor yang cukup banyak dan sedang sangat diminati dalam bidang pertanian. Kelurahan Kahuripan Kecamatan Tawang memiliki kelompok wanita tani (kwt) yang bernama KWT Mawar Bodas, dan berkonsetrasi dalam bidang budidaya sayuran dan produk olahannya seperti keripik bayam dan keripik bawang. Kelompok wanita tani mawar bodas ini memiliki potensi untuk maju dalam bidang budidaya pertanian, namun keterbatasan pengetahuan budidaya terutama budidaya tanaman hias menjadi kendala dalam kemajuan budidaya tanaman hias dan produksinya, sehingga perlu diberikan sedikit arahan dari perguruan tinggi untuk dapat mengabdikan ilmunya kepada masyarakat, melalui penerapan teknologi tepat guna. Tujuan khusus dari pengabdian ini adalah menerapkan teknologi perbanyakan tanaman dan olahan tanaman hias. Tahapan awal sebelum perbanyakan tanaman hias adalah pengenalan berbagai macam tanaman hias seperti tanaman hias daun, bunga, batang hingga tanaman hias fungsional. Perbanyakan tanaman hias yang dilakukan menggunakan teknik perbanyakan stek daun dan stek batang dengan menggunakan tambahan zat pengatur tumbuh. Selain itu juga dalam pengolahan tanaman hias yaitu menggunakan tanaman telang, mint dan sereh yang dimanfaatkan sebagai minuman herbal. Hasil kuisioner yang diberikan kepada anggota KWT mengenai pengetahuan, dan ketertarikan tanaman hias, menunjukkan peningkatan sebesar 10%. Teknik perbanyakan yang dilakukan pada saat pendampingan 60% memberikan respon mudah, 20% sangat mudah dan 20% menyatakan cukup mudah

    Peran Wanita Untuk Mewujudkan Keluarga Sakinah Dalam Pemikiran Islam Klasik Dan Kontemporer

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    Abstract : This research under tittle “The Existence of Women to Realize the Sakinah Family in Classical and Contemporary Scholars Thought” is a type of library research using a qualitative approach and a comparative descriptive method. The data sources of this research consist of primary sources from the books of Uqudullijain, Fathul Mu'in, Fathul Qorib, Al-Majmu' Syarah Al-Muhadzdzab, Bidayatul Mujtahid, Qur'an According to Women, The Rights of Women in Islam, Major Themes of Qur'an, Woman and Islam, and Feminism and Women Empowerment in Islamic Scales. The secondary sources in this study are other books that examine women and the sakinah family. The results of this study explain that women in their lives have roles, among others, as a wife, mother, and career woman. In classical Islamic thought, a woman is like a queen in her husband's house. The husband is obliged to meet all the needs of his wife, even in terms of preparing food, washing clothes, and all other aspects of household tasks. Meanwhile, a wife has an obligation to serve her husband's sexual needs, be obedient and obedient to her husband, accompany her husband, and manage all household matters. Women are only described as having a domestic role within the scope of their household. Meanwhile, according to contemporary Islamic thought, men and women have the same values ​​and positions. So it has a logical consequence that women are able to take part in the public sector like a man. Women who only take part in the domestic sector or carry out multiple roles at the same time still have a great opportunity to create a sakinah family. This can be done by straightening the intention and basing everything on Allah SWT; understand your partner well; understand each other's roles and duties; foster affection among family members; maintain communication, open and familiarize deliberation; be fair; and always increase patience and gratitude. Abstrak : Penelitian dengan judul “Eksistensi Wanita Untuk Mewujudkan Keluarga Sakinah Dalam Pandangan Ulama Klasik dan Kontemporer” ini merupakan jenis riset kepustakaan (library research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif metode deskriptif komparatif. Sumber data penelitian ini terdiri dari sumber primer yang berasal dari kitab Uqudullijain, Fathul Mu’in, Fathul Qorib, Al-Majmu’ Syarah Al-Muhadzdzab, Bidayatul Mujtahid, Qur'an Menurut Perempuan, The Rights of Women in Islam, Major Themes of Qur’an, Woman and Islam, dan  Feminisme dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Dalam Timbangan Islam. Adapun sumber sekunder pada penelitian ini adalah buku-buku lain yang mengkaji tentang wanita dan keluarga sakinah. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa wanita dalam kehidupannya memiliki peran antara lain sebagai seorang istri, ibu, dan wanita karier. Dalam pandangan ulama klasik, wanita bagaikan seorang ratu di rumah suaminya. Suami wajib mencukupi segala macam kebutuhan istrinya, bahkan dalam hal menyiapkan makanan, mencuci pakaian, dan segala aspek tugas rumah tangga yang lainnya. Sedangkan seorang istri memiliki kewajiban untuk melayani kebutuhan seksual suaminya, taat dan patuh pada suaminya, mendampingi suami, serta mengatur segala urusan rumah tangga. Wanita hanya digambarkan memiliki peran domestik dalam lingkup rumah tangganya saja. Sedangkan menurut pandangan ulama kontemporer, laki-laki maupun wanita memiliki nilai dan kedudukan yang sama. Sehingga hal tersebut memiliki konsekuensi logis bahwa wanita pun mampu berkiprah di sektor publik selayaknya seorang laki-laki. Wanita yang hanya berkiprah di sektor domestik ataupun menjalani peran ganda sekaligus tetap memiliki kesempatan yang besar untuk mewujudkan keluarga sakinah. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan cara meluruskan niat dan melandaskan segala hal pada Allah Swt; memahami pasangan dengan baik; memahami peran dan tugas masing-masing; menumbuhkan kasih sayang antar anggota keluarga; menjaga komunikasi, terbuka dan membiasakan musyawarah; bersikap adil; serta selalu memperbanyak sabar dan syukur
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